Crops and Science

Crops and Science

Science-Driven Crop Fertilizer Solutions in Slaton, TX

Foliar Fertilizer Application Guide for Corn

Optimal Benefit - 3 Applications

Foliar App Stage Stage Description Weeks from Emerg. Height (in) Break down qt/acre UAN 32 gal/acre ACE (gal/acre) Bio Burst or Triple 6 oz./acre Ultra Trace oz./acre
Preplant 30 - 40* 1
VE Emergence 0
V1-V2 2nd & 3rd leaf collar - ear shoots initiated 1
V3-V5 3rd & 5th leaf collar - # of kernal rows determined 2 - 3
1 V6-V7 6th & 7th leaf collar - high nutrient uptake 3 - 4 10 0.5 32 6
V8-V9 8th & 9th leaf collar 4 - 5
2 V10-V11 10th & 11th leaf collar 5 - 6 20 0.5 32 6
V12-V13 12th & 13th leaf collar - # of kernals/row determined 6 - 7
3 V14-V15 14th leaf collar 7 - 8 0.5 32 6
V16-V17 15th & 17th leaf collar 8 - 9
V18 >> 18th & > leaf collars 9 - 10
VT Tasseling & pollen shed 10 - 11
R1 Kernal Fill
Post Harvest crop residue 1 0.5
3 96 18

*Optimize Nitrogen by humification of the crop residue



Apply 30-40 gallons of UAN 32 and 1 gallon of ACE/acre. This can be done through subsurface irigation, piviot irrigation, or sprayed on mixed with 10gallons of water/acre. 

When the corn reaches 10 inches in height or its 6th or 7th leaf collar, or 3-4 weeks after planting 

Spray on 1/2 gallon of ACE, 32oz of Triple 6(or 32oz of bioburst), and 6oz of ultra trace. This is a foliar so appply with a sprayer, or pivot irrigation.  

When the corn reaches 20 inches in height or its 10th or 11th leaf collar, or 5-6 weeks after planting

Spray on 1/2 gallon of ACE, 32oz of Triple 6(or 32oz of bioburst), and 6oz of ultra trace. This is a foliar so appply with a sprayer, or pivot irrigation.  

When the corn reaches 14th leaf collar or 7-8 weeks after planting 

Spray on 1/2 gallon of ACE, 32oz of Triple 6(or 32oz of bioburst), and 6oz of ultra trace. This is a foliar so appply with a sprayer, or pivot irrigation.  

Post Harvest 

Spray on 1/4 gallon of Breakdown, 1/2 gallon of ACE/acre mized with 10 gallon of water on to the remaining stalks to return nitrogen to the soil. 

Foliar Fertilizer Application Guide for Wheat

Optimal Benefit - 3 Applications

Foliar App Growth Stage Stage Description Approx. plant Height Weeks from Emergence Breakdown (qt/acre) UAN 32 (gal/acre) ACE (gal/acre) Bio Burst or Triple 6 (oz./acre) Ultra Trace (oz./acre)
Preplant '15-20*
1 One shoot 1"
2 Start of tillering 2
3 Tillers formed 4" 3
4 Erection of pseudo stem
5 Strong pseudo stem erection 6" 4
Stem Extension
1 6 First node visible at base of shoot 8" 0.25 32 6
7 Second node formed 5
8 Ear beginning to swell
9 Last leaf fully formed 6
10 Ear swollen but not yet visible
2 10.1 First ears just visible 16" 7 0.25 32 6
10.2 Quarter of heading process complete
10.3 Half of heading process complete 18" 8
10.4 Three quarter of heading process complete
10.5 All ears out of sheath 9
3 10.5.1 Beginning of flowering 20" 10 0.25 32 6
10.5.2 Flowering complete
10.5.3 Flowering over at base of ear
10.5.4 Flowering over, kernal watery ripe 11
11.1 Milky Ripe 12
11.2 Mealy Ripe
11.3 Kernal hard
11.4 Ripe for cutting 14

Post Harvest crop residue | Breakdown (qt/acre): 1 | ACE (gal/acre): 0.5

*Optimize Nitrogen by humification of the crop residue

Foliar Fertilizer Application Guide for Milo

Optimal Benefit - 3 Applications

Foliar Application Stage Stage Description Days from Emergence UAN 32 (gal/acre) ACE (gal/acre) BioBurst or Triple 6 (oz./acre) Ultra Trace (oz./acre)
0 Emergence 0 30-40*
1 Collar of 3rd leaf visible 10
2 Collar of 5th leaf visible 20
1 3 7th to 10th leaf collar - high nutrient uptake 30 0.25 32 6
4 Flag Leaf visible in whorl 40
2 5 Boot-head extended into flag leaf sheath 50 0.25 32 6
6 Half bloom - half of plants blooming 60
3 7 Soft dough 70 0.25 32 6
8 Hard dough 80
9 Physiological maturity - black layer formation 90

*Optimize Nitrogen by humification of the crop residue

Foliar Fertilizer Application Guide for Cotton

Optimal Benefit - 3 Applications

Foliar Application Growth Stage Stage Description Weeks from Emergence UAN 32 (gal/acre) ACE (gal/acre) BioBurst or Triple 6 (oz./acre) Ultra Trace (oz./acre) Zinc 11% (oz./acre)
Preplant 10-15 1
1 Planting to emergence 1-2
1 2 Tri Leaf 3-4 0.25 32 6 2
3 First square 5-6
2 4 First Bloom 8-10 0.25 32 6 2
5 White Flower 12-14
3 6 Pink flower 14-15 0.25 32 6 2
7 Open bowl 22-24

Apply Zinc if Soil is deficient in zinc

Foliar Fertilizer Application Guide for Soybeans

Optimal Benefit - 3 Applications

Foliar Application Growth Stage Stage Description Weeks from Emergence UAN 32 (gal/acre) ACE (gal/acre) Triple 6 (oz./acre) Ultra Trace (oz./acre)
Preplant 20-25 1
VE Planting to emergence
VC Unrolled unifoliolata leaves
V1 First trifoliolate leaves
V2 Second Trifoliolate
1 V4 Fourth Trifiolate 3 0.25 32 6
Vn Nth Trifoliolate (last)
R1 Beginning flowering
2 R2 Full Flowering 5-6 0.25 40 6
R3 Beginning Pod
3 R4 Full Pod 8-10 0.25 40 6
R5 Beginning Seed
R6 Full Seed
R7 Beginning Maturity
R8 Full maturity

Soy Beans require a balance of N,P,K plus S,Ca & Mg (Available in Triple 6)

Soy Beans require the essential micronutrients (Available in Ultra Trace)

This foliar recommendation is designed to provide the complete micronutrient requirements for soy beans. 

Foliar Fertilizer Program for Alfalfa

Optimal Benefit - 3 or more cuttings per season, 2 applications per cutting

Foliar Application Stage Stage Description Approx. Days from Cutting ACE (gal/acre) Triple 6 (oz./acre) Foliar Iron (oz./acre) Ultra Trace (oz./acre)
First Cutting Cut 6" above ground to leave adequate foliage 0
1 Post Cutting With adequate foliage 1-3 0.25 16 8 0
2 Mid Vegitative No buds, flowers or seed pods present 10-14 0.25 16 0 8
Repeat applications 1 and 2 for each subsequent cutting

Avoid or minimize the use of synthetic nitrogen on alfalfa ground since it stimulates the soil microbes that consume excessive amounts of carbon and creates tough competition for the nitrogen fixing bacteria populations like Rhizobium and Azospirillum. Only apply synthetic nitrogen if soil tests show deficiencies beyond those that the plant itself can synthesise through nitrogen fixation.

* Foliar Iron and Ultra Trace can be interchanged, note that Foliar Iron may provide slightly increased production weight, Ultra Trace provides essential micronutrients for feeding cattle.

Foliar Fertilizer Application Guide for Watermelons

Optimal Benefit - 3 Applications

Foliar Application Growth Stage Stage Description Days from Planting UAN 32 (gal/acre) ACE (gal/acre) Triple 6 (oz./acre) Ultra Trace (oz./acre)
Pre Plant 15-20 1
Germination Period 10-15
1 Early Vegetative Period 15-25 0.25 6 4
2 Late Vegetative Period 25-45 0.25 8 6
3 Flowering Period 45-60 0.25 8 6
Yield Formation 60-90
Ripening 100
1.75 22 16

Watermellons require a balance of N,P,K nutrients plus essential micronutrients

Foliar Fertilizer Application Guide for Tomatoes

Optimal Benefit - 3 Applications

Foliar Application Growth Stage Stage Description Days from Planting UAN 32 (gal/acre) ACE (gal/acre) Triple 6 (oz./acre) Ultra Trace (oz./acre)
Pre Plant 10-15 1
Germination Period 6-8
1 Early Vegetative Period 8-45 0.25 6 4
2 Late Vegetative Period 25-45 0.25 6 6
3 Flowering Period 45-65 0.25 6 6
Fruit Formation 65-75
Ripening 75-95
15 1.75 18 16

Foliar Fertilizer Application Guide for Peppers

Optimal Benefit - 3 Applications

Foliar Application Growth Stage Stage Description Days from Planting UAN 32 (gal/acre) ACE (gal/acre) Triple 6 (oz./acre) Ultra Trace (oz./acre)
Pre Plant 5 1
Seedling 28
1 Early Growth Period 28-42 10 0.25 6 4
2 Maturation 42-56 0.25 8 6
3 Flowering Period 56-70 0.25 8 6
Fruit Formation 70-98
Ripening 98-
1.75 22 16

Pepper plants require a complete balance of primary nutients (N,P,K), secondary nutrients (Ca,Mg S) and micronutrients (B, Cu,Fe,Mn, Mo & Zn)

Foliar Fertilizer Application Guide for Pinto Beans

Optimal Benefit - 3 Applications

Foliar Application Growth Stage Stage Description Days from Planting ACE (gal/acre) Triple 6 (oz./acre) Ultra Trace (oz./acre) Zinc 11% (oz./acre)
Pre Plant 0 (1-3) 6
VE Planting to emergence
V1 Completely unfolded primary leaves 10
V2 First node above primary leaf node 19
1 V3 Three nodes on main stem 29 0.5 32 4 2
V8 First blossoms 40
2 R1 Beginning flowering 50 40 6 2
R2 Beginning Pod 53
3 R5 Beginning Seed 64 40 6 2
R6 Maturing Seed Seed 66
R7 Full Pod - Fully developed green seeds 70
R9 Full maturity 94

Pinto beans do not need excessive N and can fix some N in the root system. Excessive foliage due to high N tends to reduce yields

Pinto beans require a balance of N,P,K plus S,Ca & Mg (Available in Triple 6)

Pinto beans tend to be Iron and Zinc deficient in soils with pH above 7 (Available in Zinc & Ultra Trace)

Foliar Fertilizer Application Guide for Black Eyed Peas (Cowpeas)

Optimal Benefit - 3 Applications

Foliar Application Growth Stage Stage Description Days from Planting ACE (gal/acre) Triple 6 (oz./acre) Ultra Trace (oz./acre) Zinc (oz./acre)
Pre Plant (1-3) 6
VE Planting to emergence
V1 First trifold leaf at node 3
V2 Second trifold leaf at node 4
1 V3 Third trifold leaf at leaf 5 0.5 32 4 2
2 R1 First flower open 0.5 40 4 2
R2 50 - 100% flowers open (full bloom)
3 R5 One pod with fully developed seeds 0.5 40 4 2
R6 50% of pods with fully developed seeds
R7 One pod at mature color
R9 Full maturity

Black Eyed peas do not need excessive N and can fix some N in the root system. Excessive foliage due to high N tends to reduce yields

Black Eyed peas require a balance of N,P,K plus S,Ca & Mg (Available in Triple 6)

Black Eyed peas tend to be Iron and Zinc deficient in soils with pH above 7 (Available in Zinc & Ultra Trace)

Foliar Fertilizer Application Guide for Peanuts

Optimal Benefit - 3 Applications

Foliar Application Stage Stage Description Approx. Days from Planting ACE (gal/acre) Triple 6 (oz./acre) Ultra Trace (oz./acre)
Emergence 10-14 1
1 3 First bloom 30-35 0.5 32 4
Stage 4 Peg appears, rapid root growth 35-50
2 Stage 5 Rapid embereo development 50-60 32 6
Stage 6 Flowering - rapid flowering 60-90
3 Stage 7 Pods start maturing 90-100 0.5 32 6
Stage 8 Crop matures according to growing conditions 100-150

This foliar guide is intended to supplement typical soil applied NPK fertilizers. The application of fertilizers to the soil can be reduced significently in conjunction with three foliar applications.

Foliar Fertilizer Application Guide for Pecans

Optimal Benefit - 3 Applications

Foliar Application Stage Stage Description Approx. Days from dormancy Triple 6 Zinc Ultra Trace
Stage 1 Dormant
Stage 2 Budbreak 0-30
Stage 3 Prepollenation 30-60 formulation formulation formulation
Stage 4 Pollination 60-90
Stage 5 Initiation of water stage 90-150 formulation formulation formulation
Stage 6 Half shell hardening 130-150
Stage 7 Late gel or early dough stage 130-180 formulation formulation formulation
Stage 8 Shuck split 150-210


1 Water 1 gal 10 gal 100 gal
2 Triple 6 6 ml 2.0 oz 20 oz
3 Ultra Trace 2 ml 0.7 oz 7 oz
4 Zinc 1 ml 0.3 oz 3 oz


1 Juvinile Trees (1-5 yrs) 0.5-1.0 gal soln.
2 Mature Trees (>5 yrs) 2.0-2.5 gal soln.


  1. Charge tank with water
  2. Add Triple 6
  3. Add Ultra Trace
  4. Add phos acid to pH of 4-5 if water contains gypsum (sulfate)
  5. Saturate foliage with prepared solution, minimize run-off

Foliar Fertilizer Application Guide for Grapes

Optimal Benefit - 3 Applications

Foliar Application Stage Stage Description Approx. Days from Bud break Approx. Height (in) ACE (gal/acre) Triple 6 (oz./acre) Ultra Trace (oz./acre)
Emerging from Dormant tage 0.5
Stage 1 Bud break
1 Pre Flowering 40-50 0.25 32 4
2 Stage 2 Flowering 70-80 0.25 40 6
Full bloom 75-80
Stage 3 Fruit Set 80-90
3 Stage 4 Veraison - beginning of ripening process 130-140 0.25 40 6
Rapid berry growth 140-150
Conversion of organics to sugar 140-170
Stage 5 Harvest 170-200

Our science-backed fertilizers help your crops grow healthier, stronger, and more resilient. Call (806) 577-9778 today to learn more about how Magline Inc.'s products can support your agricultural success.

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